Thursday 14 May 2009

One form of revision.

Went to some girls 21st last night, i can't pretend to know who she is other than that one of my friends kinda knows her? Anyways was a pretty cool party, we mine swept large quantities of other peoples drinks and me and Tommy bridge took over the household decks for a good two hours, the front room crowd were loving it, so if err anyone wants to offer us a weekly set somewhere in Plymouth we're down with it, guaranteed crowd pleasers hahah. Despite bigging myself up over my DJing and drink thievery skills, the night still held one problem- my end of year history exam tomorrow which i have done a total of 3 hours revision today on. Is that enough? i guess ill find out tomorrow when i have to sit their in bemused silence for an hour and a half. oh dear. At this stage i should point out that all the photos have been shamelessly ripped from someone elses facebook, naturally i just picked the ones i found funny but give a guy a break i dont even own a camera at the moment.

big love.

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