Sunday, 25 October 2009

Tea & Pancakes

For once I'm going to write about something that i actually feel matters, how unusual is that eh? Before i explain my disdain for a certain way of thinking, i would like it to be known i in no way have anything against Christians themselves, up until the age of around 11-12 i was brought up in beautiful christian ignorance by my rather religious mother. However i do have a problem with being invited into a 'christian union' for tea & pancakes and the promise 'we are absolutely not trying to convert you' at 2am pre-crushing hangover. I fully understand this was an act of charity & I'm grateful for the tea, i really am but it was the conversation that followed which kinda got me.
It went something like this:

Me: One thing i do have a problem with is Christianity's stigma against gay people, i mean I'm not gay but most of the people I know who are put a lot straight people to shame in terms of human nature, yet their all going to burn for eternity or whatever?

Superhappychrisitandude: We'll i don't really believe that but the bible does say its 'a sin to lie with another man'

Me: people can't help the way they are though, i doubt many people are born with the intention to be gay.

shcd: errrrrrmmmm.....(more bible quotes)

after several minutes of small talk...

Me: what about the whole sex before marriage thing? surely if you believe that 70% of the worlds already in the lift down to hell?

shcd: I believe that if you repent when you do it then its OK.

Me: So you just break the rules and say sorry later?

shcd: errrrrrrrmm.....

I realise that someone will read this and think I'm a complete arsehole, but i have nothing against the belief in a god, we all need some comfort. However i do have a problem with how hypocritical & ridiculous most organised religion is. For example i feel with the exception of maybe do not steal or murder & honour your parents none of the basic priciples set out in the ten commandments have any place in 21st century society, so to base your life on them to me seems frankly ridiculous but hey each to their own im certainly not about to go on a one man crusade against religion.


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