Sunday 10 May 2009

The best band you'll never see?

Been listening to this album a lot recently, its definately helped me to sit here drinking cups of tea and avoid revising pre-revolution america at all costs. I really don't understand why they split up, as i don't know a single person who's heard them that doesn't like them. But hey all the best bands split up before their time right? I really regret not getting up of my slightly inebriated ass and going to see their last show at reading festival, some of my friends went and were blown away.great. not only did i miss one of the best gigs at reading but i also only have myself too blame.

Also how hot is the lead singer, im pretty sure her names jemima, but yeah i think its maybe her whole attitude, something like the really hot kind of dirty girl everyone went to school/college with that would sleep with you but probably never speak to you again,as well as the fact she looks pretty good but god the things i would do. Ehhhm on that note i think its probably a good idea too mention the fact that every other guy ive spoke too feels the same and that im not some kind of perverted lurker who has nothing better to do than post blogs about girls in indie bands. Anyways i digress 'get awkward' is 12 tracks of nasty,who gives a fuck,brutality and its fucking excellent go buy it.

the end


  1. agreed, on the band, not that i want a slice of jemina. i think thats her name also?

  2. p.s - your an idiot for not going to see them at reading. wish i could have!
