Monday 1 March 2010

Black hole's, unraised moles.

I haven't had much worthwhile to write about of late, but i went on an adventure of sorts to falmouth the weekend gone. The adventure itself consisted of closed A-roads, reggae and proof that 'my boy lennon' lives and is biding his time in cheap falmouth coctail bars until the death of Paul Mcartney and Ringo Starr.

Head bypassing witticisms aside the real reason we went was to see Los campesionos! in a venue representing your average village hall/under 18's youth disco. Despite spending most of the gig pondering whether 16 is really old enough when your fast approaching 20 years old, i managed to gauge that they were pretty sick and that the keyboard/vocals woman was a solid 7 out of 10.

Upon second reading what i've just written looks like some kind of carling fueled misogyny, which in a way it is.enjoy.


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