Wednesday 6 January 2010

A must...

Falmouth or Bristol is calling, i seriously cannot hype this band enough. My only complaint is that if the tour was a month later i could have a sweet pseudo teenage birthday night. Which reminds me being 20 is disgustingly close, before i get there i would like to achieve the following:

-Pull at least 5 whoppers to pedals,toptube, seat... actually so long as i get my size 10's in there somewhere I'll be happy.

-Shoot at least 4 rolls 120mm film on the holger I'm buying of my housemate when i finally get back to uni.

-Make it back to uni.

-Have sex sober for a refreshing change.

-Buy/steal/haggle some addidas samba's I've always wanted some of these badboys for general riding and jamming in.

-Find someone willing, or silly enough to have sex sober with me.(Its been months and I'm really beginning to worry)

-eat plenty of houmus.

-Get a sweet refillable lighter, oh and smoke from a Bolivian pipe.


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