I decided that as all i seem to do on this thing is review other peoples music i may as well make it a regular thing, think i'll call it 'sounds of Beatrice' or something? no?
Anyways I've spent this evening listening to one of the most over hyped albums I've heard in a while, its not that its bad, its just really really not as good as what i expected. Maybe its because i feel the whole combining Sega megadrive noises with a nasally, generic voice is a little tired. The reviews & word of mouth promised so much more than this offers. I often think when you get halfway through an album & you could still be in the middle of the first track that tells you everything you need to know about said album. To me this sounds like everything else which is 'amazing & innovative' i seem to have heard recently, i heard it compared to the strokes which is an interesting analogy. I imagine if Albert Hammond junior was to change his voice to a slightly more morose version of the lead singer from passion pit, the band were to have a collective relapse to their 1980's childhoods & lose any shred of originality it would sound mighty similar. However, on the plus side this album doesn't claim to be anything it isn't, the title 'let it beep' should probably have warned me what was coming if nothing else. Despite this i have no doubt that i sound like a slightly bitter & grizzled old soul & i actually happen to know a fair few people who like this record. So if time & music taste allows why not have a listen? who knows you may like it & come back and tear apart my horribly one dimensional review. just don't listen too long it may all begin to sound the same.
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