Wednesday, 6 May 2009

The Smoke.

I don't know why it is but London has always captivated me, whenever im there i feel like im part of something amazing and kinda at the center of everything. Some of my fondest memories from being a little kid are just from going on the tube to London Zoo or the natural history muesem with my dad. The same applies as ive got older, college trips to kensingston/the V&A or the day we tried to ride street in like -2 whilst it snowed- yet it still ended up as one of the most memorable days of my life.
This is probably a little weird but i can't explain why i love it so much and ive tried a few times. I just love it in my opinion there's no better city in the world. One of my only regrets in my life so far is opting to move to the West country for uni instead of London just becuase i was worried about the cost of living there, in fact at the age of 19 i still dream of moving there on an almost daily basis. Oh and the above photo was taken for my A2 final piece on said day in the snow.


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